Is Your Website Working For You, or Are You Working For Your Website?

Posted in Online Marketing on July 23rd, 2021

When talking about how to bring visitors to your website, the topic usually focuses around marketing tactics. Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements are all popular subjects right now, with businesses curious about how to attract new customers using these strategies. Many businesses overlook the need of having a user-friendly website in order to thrive.

If you see that your website traffic is increasing without any conversion gains or that your bounce rate is high, your website may not be working for you. Here are some changes you may make to your website to increase the number of visitors.

Don’t Make It Difficult for Consumers to Contact You

When people visit your website, make it simple for them to contact you–whether by phone, in person, or by email. Customers will be more likely to leave if they can’t find this information.


Make sure your phone number is visible on each page and is large enough to read. It’s also a good idea to use click-to-call coding to make it easier for mobile devices to dial.

Contact Form

Most users are seeking for products/services beyond typical business hours, therefore having a contact form on your website is essential. Contact forms should be simple to complete (3-4 lines if possible). If feasible, include a contact form on each service/product page so that customers may contact you without having to navigate to another page.


The address guarantees that visitors see a reputable business, which is frequently the goal of a search. Many visitors will come to your site simply to obtain your address, so make sure it’s easy to find and read.

Utilise Google Ads

Google Ads are an excellent method to drive visitors to your website, and businesses who embrace them are viewed as established and, most importantly, trustworthy. After all, if Google approves your advertisement, it must be useful, right? There are a variety of techniques to automate Google Ads so that they operate in your favour and you don’t have to check them continuously.

Alternatively, you can hire an external company to take control of your White label PPC, meaning you don’t have to worry about an advert not being optimised for your business.

Write Useful Content That People Actually Want to Read

Content is essential for businesses that wish to have an online presence. However, this does not suggest copying and pasting from another website. This is known as duplicate content, and it is one of the most common methods for search engines to penalize you.

In many instances, original material will emerge naturally when you talk about your products/services, and blogging about your company and services/products is one of the most straightforward methods to generate content.

Work on Your CTAs

BUY NOW. It’s nearly too brash, yet it’s effective. This is a reference to the “What now?” question. This question is frequently posed when a guest is eager to make a move. Work on your CTAs! Make it as simple as possible for customers to contact you, and use effective call-to-actions to direct them to the next step.

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