3 Ways to Transform Your Training Materials Into Engaging eLearning

Posted in Business on June 17th, 2020

eLearning is becoming more popular for businesses to train their employees about every sector of their workplace. Whether you need to share the latest health and safety brief or all about the new campaign you are launching next month. eLearning is a great way to get information out to everyone quickly rather than having to use precious time with meetings.

Whatever your method of learning includes, it can be designed to suit the way you learn from videos and text too small exercises and quizzes to work on.

Find the Right Platform

Choosing a platform that will work for you and your business can be overwhelming. Analyse the information and training resources you want to provide to your employees. Platforms such as iSpring Learn Reviews will accommodate your training so you can track your employees progress without the worry of spending weeks on creating it. Everything can be in one place for you to develop, review and watch the results of your employees of the training progress and interactive quizzes.

Make Your Content Enjoyable

Gather a small team together to highlight any ‘extra’ information that will overwhelm and lose the interest of your members. Then think about erasing or changing it into another method of showing it. Instead of long paragraphs of text with loads of information, think about breaking up the training with videos and storytelling. When information creates a story, it will stick in our minds better, which means your employers will use and remember the data for longer. With lots of text, the key facts and figures can often be forgotten because nothing is standing out, so creating pictures and quick sayings mean it can be easy to learn.

It keeps the brain active if you include activities such as watching videos or moving items around to match them to the right quotes.

Try not to make it over-complicated

In a typical work schedule, it is hard for your employers to have a substantial amount of time to study through the whole training in one go. Breaking it up into small segments allows them to go away and come back if need be. Including activities such as quizzes, interactive modules, as well as photos, will be easier on the eye.

Sort out any information that is hard to grasp. This can be done by either erasing them, creating a video or cutting them down into a more straightforward way to send the message team to avoid any confusion. If you are worried, then ask another member of your team to run through the modules to ensure that each part is easy to understand.

Hopefully, with this guide, you will be able to transform your business by creating quick and simple training resources to allow your employees to learn effectively. Allow your information and materials to be easy to study by breaking up the text with interactive modules as well as videos to make it more interesting. It’s a great way to get a loud and clear message for new product launches, safety procedures or campaigns.

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