6 Ways to Make Your Street More Child Friendly
If you live in an area that doesn’t have much going on for the kids, then don’t wait around for someone else to bring the changes that you need.
If you can improve the area for your own children, you will enhance the area for others moving in. Creating a child-friendly environment will help increase the value of your property, as well as others in the area. Here are 6 ways that you can add value to your property by making your street more child friendly.
Have a Playground Installed
Get together with other homeowners in the area or speak with your local council and look at having playgrounds for apartments installed. Having a safe space for your children to meet and play where they are within view of your home will provide you with a sense of security. You will know that your kids are having fun, and you won’t need to worry about them.
Make sure that you have permission to have the playground set up.
Push for Cycle Lanes
Cycling is a great form of exercise for your children. But you may worry about the safety of your kids when they are out on their bikes. Having cycle lanes will mean that children can safely ride their bikes. Get in touch with your local council and see if you can have cycle lanes painted onto your local roads.
Traffic Calming
If there are no measures in place on your street to slow the flow of the traffic in your area, then you should push for these in your area. Traffic calming could mean a reduction in the speed limit on the roads near your home, as well as speed bumps. Traffic calming will make it easier for your children to play out safely.
Creating Residents Groups
People like to live somewhere there is a sense of community. If there are currently no residents groups in your area, you could start one.
A residents group could be quite general and look at all aspects of the local area. Alternatively, you could focus your attention on creating a parents and children group that specifically looks at the needs of families with children in the area.
Running Children’s Activities in the Area
If there are no activities for children in the area, set some up. If there is a local community center, sports centers, or church halls in the area, you could make use of the space to carry out some activities such as theatre groups, or to set up a sports team.
Be sure that you get all of the relevant safeguarding checks carried out on yourself or anyone else that might be involved in running the activities.
Set up a Youth Club
If your children have a youth club that they can go to, they won’t need to play out on the street. Have a look at setting one up alongside other parents in your area. You could again use a local church hall or community center.