3 Tips for Your Startup Business

Posted in Business on September 18th, 2019

When you are working flat out getting your startup business off the ground it is an exhilarating and exhausting time. You have hundreds of plates spinning all at once and you are doing all that you can to ensure that none of them drop. You have ticked all of the important boxes, from funding to premises and you think you are getting there now.

When there is time to breathe and look up, what will be your key priorities next? Well, that is where we come in today as we share with you 3 tips for your startup business, to focus on once you are off the ground.

Prioritise Building Your Brand

Now that your business is up and running, you will need to prioritise building your brand.

You need to make a name for yourself and develop a strong reputation. In order to start with this, you will need to be clear on what image you wish to portray and how this will be conveyed through your business, graphics and communications.

You should seek to communicate with your customers positively and deliver excellence to them. Ask those initial customers to help you to spread the word, whether that be in real life or online. Once people are talking about you, your reputation starts to grow. Ask for reviews online, chat on social media or ask customers to recommend you to their friends.

Create a Digital Presence

You will want to create a digital presence for your business, whatever it is. Many people expect to be able to find details of a new venture online to find out more about you, so ensure that you have this area covered.

Get yourself a user friendly website up and running, ensuring that it clearly shares all that you do and can offer, along with your contact details. If you are inclined to do so, add a blog section here and update it regularly as a means of sharing easily with your customers.

We mentioned social media earlier, and this is definitely an area worth exploring for your business. Many brands represent themselves on at least one social media platform as it is a handy and free way to share more about what you do and build awareness interacting with potential customers and existing clients.

Look at Where You Can Outsource

The temptation is to do everything yourself when you start your own business. You feel that you should be capable of doing so and that this is the most cost effective thing to do. We would disagree.

You will be unable to do every single thing that is needed at an exceptional level as you will lack either the skills or the time, or both.

For example, we mentioned setting up a website. If this is easy to you then go for it, but if you haven’t a clue where to start with this, then hire a web designer as it will take you hours and hours to do this and you will not be able to deliver the end result that the experts will.

You might want to get someone to run your social media, you might get an IT team to manage your technology or you might choose to employ virtual receptionists and assistants by using companies such as www.virtualheadquarters.com. All of these options can be more cost effective and efficient than employing someone in house and save you time and money over the long term.

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