3 Tips for Those Designing Staging Areas

Posted in Business on June 20th, 2022

A staging area can be used for multiple purposes. It may serve as an event hall in a convention centre, a performance space for a local resort, or maybe even a private theatre room for studios and other educational institutions.

Regardless of what the design is for, it’s true that there are some universal elements required when designing a space such as this. If we can focus on this in the best possible light; we’re more able to distinguish a positive outcome from a hastily built construction.

While architects can yield insight and professionals experienced in this space can lend advice, it’s always worth considering the foundational basics that many staging areas must meet in order to perform capably when in full use.

In this post, we’ll discuss three of the most essential design elements incorporated in staging areas; with a mind to increase accessibility, performance, comfort and safety. Without further ado, let’s consider some of the following advice going forward. You may be surprised just how well it works out for you:

Sight Lines

It’s important to think of how the sight lines of your various staging elements work with one another. For instance, your lighting booth will require a full and appropriate view of the stage in order to work properly. It’s also important to place lighting such as the illuminated fire escape signs in a place where even in darkness it’s visible, and can be accessed easily. Furthermore, reducing accidents by reducing visibility in the dark, such as by adding cat eye lights along a staircase will limit the potential for falls.

Acoustics & Sound

Every studio, staging area or theatre space needs to pay attention to its acoustics and sound. With sound absorbing acoustic panels you can remain in the right place; integrating neat and aesthetically-primed fixtures that work with the space. Tiered seating and the shape of the surrounding walls can also have a big impact on how acoustics travel. Of course, sound is also important to consider, a mixing booth in the control centre is essential, as are the wired microphone element and wireless mic receivers you use to make public speaking easier to implement. With careful and safe installation, you can prepare this for the future.

Appropriate Green Rooms & Backstage Areas

It’s crucial to give our speakers or performance acts space to organize the show, room to prepare and do quick mic checks, as well as a space where acts can retire to comfortably before they come on. This also means integrating essential facilities like room for refreshments; toilet access, and private evacuation exits where appropriate. This can help a space turn from an amateur rendition to a production suite capable of hosting even major acts. It will also ensure that your space is on the priority list of touring companies or those who may wish to rent it out.

With this advice, we hope you can design those staging areas in the best possible light. Don’t be afraid to take your time and invest with a skilled architectural practitioner to get things right.

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