4 Things to Keep Quiet About in a Job Interview
When you are invited for a job interview, you instantly get excited. Nervous and excited. Okay, maybe more nervous than excited, but still, it’s a big deal and you have to be prepared to be successful. Your application and resume have already impressed enough to convince people to invite you for an interview, so now is your chance to shine.
The problem well, with nerves comes an open mouth. It’s very easy to regurgitate every single thought in your head when you have nerves ricocheting through your body! The thing is, what you say could lose you the chance to prove yourself. While there are certain things that you have to disclose, such as a DUI, you don’t have to disclose every single thing you’ve ever done in your life at this moment. Instead, you need to consider how a job interview is going to get you to the next stage of your life. Let’s take a look at four things that you should never reveal in front of a panel of people deciding your future.
Too Much Information
There is such a thing as too much information in a job interview. When the interviewers are asking you questions, you need to keep your answers as professional as possible. They don’t need to hear about your struggles with transport if they ask if you can get to work. A simple yes or no will do! There’s no need to go into the school drop offs and car trouble; just that you can get to work on time. Unless you need to have some medical conditions accommodated, you don’t need to dive into your health, either. It’s not lawful for them to ask, and you are not obliged to divulge. A lot of the time, employers can discriminate without intending to so you don’t want to give them any avenue to do this.
Bad Mouthing
If you left a job on bad terms, you need to keep that to yourself. You approach those topics professionally by talking about a difference of opinion or needing to take your career in another direction. Bad mouthing an old boss to a new boss? It doesn’t make you look good in any way. So, slow down and divert conversations away from old colleagues and mentors with whom you didn’t get along. You need this job, and you can’t have it when you’re being nasty!
You’re Fired
Reasons for leaving your old job should be kept short and sweet. You don’t need to say things about being bored easily, as it shows you are unmotivated to keep yourself productive. Instead, talk about searching for a better opportunity.
Everyone has them, but we really don’t need to discuss them in a job interview. If you have weaknesses you want to discuss, talk them through as a strength. So, if your weakness is in rushing your work, focus on the fact that you can hit deadlines instead. You need this role so spin it all into the positives!