Resolving Disagreements With Your Employer, Step by Step

Posted in Career on October 29th, 2022

It can be hard to disagree with your employer, or even to raise an issue that you may disagree on in the first place. This is because in many countries, an employer can let you go for any reason they wish, even if you do genuinely bring value to the firm. That said, sometimes an issue deserves to be addressed, otherwise it could lead to further problems, or even put someone else at risk.

The key here is to know how to present the issue, and how to mediate disagreement. It’s also about listening, because while no one except the business owners will feel a deep and never-ending loyalty to a corporation the work for, it’s only in rare cases that the business will be “out to get you” or completely irrational with zero justification for their side of the argument. At the very least, listening will help you understand the situation fully so you can counter it more responsibly.

But how can you resolve disagreements, step by step? We’ll consider a few tips for achieving that, below:

Document, Even if the Disagreements Are Unsolvable

Get everything in writing. This means communication, requests, complaints, and arguments. Let’s say that you were injured at work. You deserve compensation and should work with an attorney to prove your case. But you can bet that if you can showcase the paper trail of you raising issues with safety equipment for a month prior to the incident, then not only might you be in for more compensation, but you may even force structural changes in the company and correct punitive action. Documentation can also help you prove unprofessional candor, or at least deter the management who know better from engaging in that.

Pore Through Your Contract

It’s essential to go through your contract to better understand what your responsibilities are, what the company has promised you, and also the employment rights in your country. Here you may even see how to exercise your rights – for example, if artificially let go from a position for raising a problem, you may have a worker’s tribunal where you can be reinstated in that position or at least gain a healthy severance package should you have the chance to.

Don’t Feel Forced to Resign

As tough as it can be to stick around, if you resign it can mean companies have no obligation to provide you with a severance package or unemployment pay, depending on the country you live in. Sometimes, management will do all they can to try and convince you to. But as strange as it sounds, it’s better if they fire you, because then they have to make sure all of those terms are fulfilled. So don’t feel forced to resign, just keep a neutral and professional demeanor, and try not to score social points. Here you can retain your professional integrity and you’ll thank yourself for it down the line.

With this advice, we hope you can resolve disagreements with your employer, step by step.

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