Learn Something New to Talk Face-to-Face

Posted in Lifestyle on September 6th, 2021

If you are one of the multitudes of people trying to work out the best way to handle reentry into the conversational world, consider learning a few new things to make talking to new or old coworkers that much easier.


Art has always been a fascinating and widely nuanced subject matter. Art is different for each artist and beholder of the art in question. The range of art genres has broad appeal for every interest. There is Impressionist, Abstract, Surrealism, and the list goes on. A new arena in the art world is that of NFT or Non-Fungible Token.

NFTs have been all over social media and the news in the past year. The interest has exploded, and you may have become curious yourself. To learn more about digital art, NFTs, and blockchain, along with all of the rest of the art world, go to the blockchain gallery. You will find an array of amazing art along with informational articles to help you learn about this new type of art. There is a podcast available to listen to, as well.

Art is all around you, from graffiti in a local alley to priceless masterpieces hanging in the world’s foremost galleries. Now it is available in a digital format. Learn about all of the new ways you can engage with art to help you participate with the world again.


When talking about genres, music has them in spades. Without a doubt, there is something that will appeal to every preference. A fun thing about music, especially in today’s world, is that expressing an interest in one type of music will lead you to another. Look up your favorite musical artist and learn about their inspirations. With that information in hand, play some of those new-to-you tunes to experience something different and broaden your horizons.

Once you have found new musical material, check out a website or app such as Spotify. Curate your playlist. After doing so, strike up a conversation with a friend or colleague and then offer to trade playlists. This will allow you to gain exposure to new material in addition to having new content to discuss with others. Music brings people together in so many ways!


Most people enjoy exploring the world, learning all about it, and sharing that fun and information with others. Travel is another great topic of conversation that transcends. If your travel plans have been curtailed by the pandemic, do not let that get in the way of scratching your proverbial wandering itch. You can research from the comfort of your own home and then plan your itinerary.

Talk with people around you about their travel experiences. Begin a conversation by asking if they have ever visited your intended travel destination. If they have been there, a wonderful dialogue may ensue. If they have not, engage in a discussion about travel at large and take the opportunity to learn all about them.

Spend some time learning something new to talk about with the people around you. Discuss topics such as art, music, and travel – perhaps you are interested in becoming a travel host. There are a variety of wonderful talking points to bring up to meet new people or reacquaint yourself with ones you already know.

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