How to Express Your Characteristic Business Standards

Posted in Business, Marketing on June 18th, 2023

When running a business, your job is to appeal to customers, clients or partners. Even if you have the most value to offer, if you can’t convince others of that, ultimately no one will pay you for a service or product you have available.

Luckily, you likely know this, which is why you invest in your marketing approach. That said, it’s not just if you’re marketing, but how you’re marketing that matters. Sure, communicating that you’re here and ready to do business is important, but it’s not just about that, it’s also that you have more than the competition could offer.

A good method of achieving that, especially at high levels in your industry, is to showcase your business characteristics, priorities, values, and standards. These are ultimately where your highest selling points will be found. In many cases, a business can be just as functional and ready to offer great services as the next, but it’s the values and standards they hold that will convince a client on the fence.

So – let’s discuss how you can express those priorities well; not only as a form of marketing but a vital part of your brand infrastructure:

Showcase Partnered & Verified Services

It’s all well and good to say that your business is worth using, because you have a vested interested in people believing that. But you may be more convincing if you partner with suppliers and services that help you make that claim more authoritatively, convincingly, and with provability in mind. For example, partnering with a local assurance firm to showcase your work is all vetted, showing you’re a licensed installer of a given product, or even making your processes clear, such as presenting your use of heli lift services for quick and easy construction logistics will go a long way in making your case. Even trusted brands use these partnered assurances, and we’re sure they’ll work for your developing brand too.

Implement Seals of Quality

It can be worthwhile to offer a seal of quality that allows you to be verified in your work and gain trust. That might involve offering a money-back guarantee, free maintenance after the installation period for a year if issues are found, or long-form warranties that convincingly demonstrate your trust in a product. This way, you can let your assurances do the talking, showing that no matter what, you have faith in your quality control.

Showcase Testimonials Front & Centre

Like partners and seals of quality, testimonials go a long way to helping your brand express itself, this time through the mouth of another. In some cases, testimonials can seem false, especially on brand websites where the content could have been written personally. That’s why video testimonials can be a big helper, as can public reviews you encourage clients to honestly write with whatever comes to mind after your business has concluded. Keeping these on your website or as part of your brand shows you’re not afraid of feedback, and there’s nothing quite as assuring as that.

With this advice, you’re sure to express your characteristic business standards in the healthiest possible context.

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