What Employers Are Looking for When Hiring
This time of year especially presents an opportunity to start thinking about some of the changes that you want to make in your life, and there is no denying that you may want to make changes yourself. Your career is often a popular choice and the one that you want to strive to change.
We can all become complacent in our jobs, lose the passion or feel less challenged. With us spending a big chunk of our days doing that job or progressing in that chosen career, it may feel more or a chore and this is when you can feel an urge for change. However, putting your resume out there is just the beginning, you need to understand what employers are looking for when hiring. With that in mind, here are some of them to help you stand out.
They Are Looking for Passion
One of the first things they look for is some passion. It may not necessarily be passion for the products that you sell or the services that you provide specifically. Not all businesses are exciting, especially if you are selling service products or things to the trade. But the passion will come from things like providing a decent level of customer service, or maybe having a passion for sales and securing deals. Can and will you show passion when you meet for your interview?
They Want No Secrets
Recruitment is an expensive process for any company to go through, so your potential new employer doesn’t want to unearth any secrets that you may have withheld from your application or the interview. They are likely to use companies like Checkr where they can look into your background and perform checks on them. It is always best to be upfront and honest about things, as most of the time it won’t be a deal breaker with your potential new employer.
Are You Willing and Able to Show Initiative?
Another thing you need to think about is whether or not you can show willing and initiative. It might be worth it to do some extra research on the job and the company ahead of your interview. This way you can show that you have a greater understanding of what is involved, and also you can discuss the things that you would like to do and get involved in. Which showcases initiative on your part and passion for the new role you may potential land yourself with.
Have You Got Ambition?
It is understandable if you have no ambition to progress other than the job role that you have gone for. But you do need to show an element of ambition for your work rate, even if that just means advancing and doing what you can when it comes to the job specifically rather than climbing up the career ladder.
Are You Motivated?
Finally, are you motivated? Sometimes it can be hard to get motivated by a job, but a potential employer does not want to hire someone who isn’t interested in what they are doing. Show that you are motivated to succeed, to do well, these things are what matter.
Let’s hope these tips help you to change your career in the new year.