Are Your Employees Are Putting Your Business at Risk?
As a business owner, you know that your employees are your greatest asset.
It’s in your best interest to make the most of your employees, as their skills and talents could do much to benefit the business you run.
However, and we are very sorry to say this, but in some cases, your employees could be putting your business at risk. It’s unthinkable, we know, but consider the following reasons as to why they could be jeopardizing your business.
#1: Your Employees Could Be Stealing From You
As a wise and sensible business owner, you will (we assume) have secured your computer systems, perhaps with the aid of an IT company, to protect your business information and financial data from outside threats. You have probably set up security cameras outside too, as this way, you can protect your business from any would-be burglars patrolling your neighborhood. However, your biggest threat could be coming from the people you trust the most, your employees.
On a very basic level, they could be taking home some of your office supplies for their personal use. But be they pens or rubber bands, they are still effectively stealing from you. There could be instances where an employee might attempt to steal cash from your till, and they might steal time from you by turning up late or leaving early. Check out these other examples of employee theft. You need to be alert to any problems, and if you do spot signs of bad behavior, you should work according to your policies to manage them.
#2: Employee Social Media Posts Could Damage Your Business
Social media can be very useful for your business, but it could also become the bane of your life. Especially when your employees are posting potentially obscene comments and pictures about their social lives, your reputation might be affected if your customers and clients see these. If you have done something to upset your employees, they might spread messages of hate about you online too. And, perhaps quite innocently, they might unwittingly reveal confidential information about your business online, and this could be problematic if hackers or any of your competitors spot these posts.
As an employer, you need to have a clear guideline about social media posts. A warning system needs to be in place if your employees purposefully damage your business reputation with the things they post online. And you should instruct them to alter their privacy settings so only their personal contacts are able to see those posts that your customers might consider unsavory.
#3: The Quality of Your Employees’ Work Could Be in Question
You expect the best from your employees, but what if they don’t give you their best? What if they make mistakes on a too-regular basis? What if they take more break times than they should? What if they are rude to yo your customers? As an employer, you need to make sure your employees are doing their best work.
So, monitor your employees. It might be that extra training is in order if mistakes are being made, and it might be that a word of correction is needed if they are deliberately risking your business. By doing whatever is needed to improve the work of your employees, you will do much to improve your reputation with your customers and clients.
So, are your employees putting your business at risk? Think about it, and take the necessary next steps if needed.